martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Past Simple - (Simple Past Tense )
The Simple Past tense is used to describe actions that have happened at an earlier time and have now ended , for example :
She cleaned her house . She cleaned her house.
I broke the window . I broke the window.

Here we see that conjugation in Spanish equivalent to the Past Indefinite. Notice that the sentence structure is similar to the Simple Present :

In both the interrogative and negative form is used as an auxiliary DID is the past form of the verb "TO DO" and accompanies the main verb in the infinitive form . In negations can be used the contracted form of DID DID NOT ie . In the table above the verb is used To Play ( Play ) for example .
Expressing a sentence in the Simple Past is understood that the action does not relate to this , as shown in the following cases :
I've lost the keys . He lost the keys.
( Maybe in the present have encountered .) She lent me a book . She lent me a book.
(You may already returned it ) .
It is also possible to indicate the time that the action is time to indicate more precisely :
They saw the movie last night . They saw the movie last night .
We went to London yesterday . We went to London yesterday.
To form a sentence in the past tense must distinguish two types: REGULAR and IRREGULAR VERBS VERBS .
In the first case the Past Simple form ED adding the infinitive termination , while irregular given that name by not following a certain pattern and in this case must be studied individually.

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