martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013


Pasado simple del verbo "To be"

El pasado simple del verbo "To be" (ser o estar) se forma cambiando las formas "am" e "is"por "was" y la forma "are" por "were".

Por lo demás, para formar la negativa y la interrogativa la forma es la misma que en el presente simple.

A continuación veremos las formas afirmativa, negativa en interrogativa del  verbo "to be" en pasado:


I was: yo era o yo estaba.
You were: tú eras o tú estabas.
He was: él era o él estaba.
She was: ella era o ella estaba.
It was: eso era o eso estaba.
We were: nosotros eramos o nosotros estábamos.
You were: vosotros erais o vosotros estabais.
They were: ellos eran o ellos estaban.


I was not: yo no era o yo no estaba.
You were not: tú no eras o tú no estabas.
He was not: él no era o él no estaba.
She was not: ella no era o ella no estaba.
It was not: eso no era o eso no estaba.
We were not: nosotros no eramos o nosotros no estábamos.
You were not: vosotros no erais o vosotros no estabais.
They were not: ellos no eran o ellos no estaban.


Was I?: ¿era yo? o ¿estaba yo?
Were you?: ¿eras tú? o ¿estabas tú?
Was he?: ¿era él? o ¿estaba él?
Was she?: ¿era ella? o ¿estaba ella?
Was it?: ¿era eso? o ¿estaba eso?
Were we?: ¿eramos nosotros? o ¿estabamos nosotros?
Were you?: ¿erais vosotros? o ¿estabais vosotros?
Were they?: ¿eran ellos? o ¿estaban ellos?


·He was my friend when I was twelve years old
Éera mi amigo cuando yo tenía doce años.

·I wasn't at school at half-past eleven Yo no estaba en el colegio a las once y media.

·Were they at home yesterday?
¿Estaban ellos ayer en casa? (no confundir "where (donde)" con were).

Para terminar, decir que las formas negativas contraídas son:
was not 
were not 
Past Simple - (Simple Past Tense )
The Simple Past tense is used to describe actions that have happened at an earlier time and have now ended , for example :
She cleaned her house . She cleaned her house.
I broke the window . I broke the window.

Here we see that conjugation in Spanish equivalent to the Past Indefinite. Notice that the sentence structure is similar to the Simple Present :

In both the interrogative and negative form is used as an auxiliary DID is the past form of the verb "TO DO" and accompanies the main verb in the infinitive form . In negations can be used the contracted form of DID DID NOT ie . In the table above the verb is used To Play ( Play ) for example .
Expressing a sentence in the Simple Past is understood that the action does not relate to this , as shown in the following cases :
I've lost the keys . He lost the keys.
( Maybe in the present have encountered .) She lent me a book . She lent me a book.
(You may already returned it ) .
It is also possible to indicate the time that the action is time to indicate more precisely :
They saw the movie last night . They saw the movie last night .
We went to London yesterday . We went to London yesterday.
To form a sentence in the past tense must distinguish two types: REGULAR and IRREGULAR VERBS VERBS .
In the first case the Past Simple form ED adding the infinitive termination , while irregular given that name by not following a certain pattern and in this case must be studied individually.

Energy reform has fueled Mexico's president for my taste does not favor usstudents who aspire to work in the oil industry since the rights they now have thecurrent oil did not favor us and we can not have old, because we only give short contracts and anytime we can leave out of work, if they do not decide to give us a new contract, this also is not conducive to most Mexicans as not all vehicles havewhich can be benefited with derivatives crude, which in reality is pushing energy reform is the privatization of PEMEX which will cause the whole system to crashbecause what little we had is no longer us and we will not disadvantaged in any way.
I hope that energy reform is not approved as this will only bring benefits to the government and not Mexicans.


  1. The written lesson is below.
  2. Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle. (The present participle is merely the "-ing" form of a verb.)
I am studying.
I am studying with María.

In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future.
I am studying now.
I am studying with María tonight.

In Spanish, the present progressive is only used to describe an action that is in the process of taking place. It is not used for future actions.
I am studying now.
(use present progressive)
I am studying with María tonight.
(do not use present progressive)

To form the present progressive in Spanish, combine a form of "estar" with the present participle.
Estoy hablando.
I am speaking.
Juan está comiendo.
John is eating.
María está escribiendo una carta.
Mary is writing a letter.

In order to form the present progressive, you must know how to conjugate the verb estar, and how to form the present participle. You already know how to conjugate the verb estar:

To form the present participle of regular -ar verbs, add -ando to the stem of the verb.
hablar: hablando
(hablar - ar + ando)
trabajar: trabajando
(trabajar - ar + ando)
estudiar: estudiando
(estudiar - ar + ando)

To form the present participle of regular -er and -ir verbs, add -iendo to the stem of the verb.
comer: comiendo
(comer - er + iendo)
hacer: haciendo
(hacer - er + iendo)
vivir: viviendo
(vivir - ir + iendo)
escribir: escribiendo
(escribir - ir + iendo)

To form the present participle of -ir stem changing verbs, change e:i and o:u in the stem, and then add -iendo to the stem of the verb.
servir: sirviendo
pedir: pidiendo
decir: diciendo
dormir: durmiendo
morir: muriendo
poder: pudiendo

Sometimes when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. We call this an "orthographic" change. Here are some common examples:
caer: cayendo
creer: creyendo
huir: huyendo
ir: yendo
influir: influyendo
oír: oyendo
traer: trayendo
leer: leyendo
seguir: siguiendo

The following examples illustrate the rules for forming the present participle.
hablar: hablando (-ar)
comer: comiendo (-er)
vivir: viviendo (-ir)
decir: diciendo (e:i)
dormir: durmiendo (o:u)
leer: leyendo (orthographic)
seguir: siguiendo (orthographic)

To form the present progressive, simply conjugate the verb estar to agree with the subject of the sentence, and follow it with the present participle.
Juan está comiendo pan.
John is eating bread.
María y Carmen están hablando con nosotros.
Mary and Carmen are speaking with us.

Remember, only use the present progressive for actions that are "in progress." Compare the uses of the present indicative with the uses of the present progressive.
Estudio español. (Present Indicative)
I study Spanish.
I am studying Spanish (these days).
I do study Spanish.
Estoy estudiando español. (Present Progressive)
I am studying (right now, at this moment) Spanish.
It is important to remember that you would never use the present progressive to say something like "We are going to Spain this summer." Use present progressive only for actions that are "in progress."


Countable and uncountable nounsThe countable nouns can be counted ( one car , two bees ) and countless need a modifier to express quantity (a glass of water ) .What are uncountable nouns ?The words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish , since we can not say " two sugars " , "three funds " .In English also exist and have the following characteristics :No articles can be used with a / an - is incorrect to say "a money" can not pluralized . - It is wrong to say " three electricities " They take singular verb . The sugar is. - It is wrong to say " The sugar are ..."Another aid would be lead to think that the countless quantifiers like much and little , while lead countable quantifiers like many and few.countlessaccountingHow much? - How much? How many? - How many ?much money - lots of money many bills - many billsmuch traffic - traffic many cars - many carslittle food - little food few cookies - cookies fewlittle fruit - apples few little fruit - a few blocksHere we can see a larger graphic on the quantifiers and nouns :With uncountable nounswith accountingmuch ( mach ) - very many ( Meni ) - manyso much ( SOU Mach ) - so much so many ( SOU Meni ) - manytoo much ( Tchu Mach ) - too too many ( Tchu Meni ) - toolittle ( litl ) - some few ( fiú ) - fewa little (a litl ) - something of a few (a fiú ) - someless ( lés ) - less - fewer fewest ( fiúer ) - lower numberThe Least ( of líist ) - the fewest the fewest - the fewesta large amount of - a lot of a large number of - a number ofa great deal of - much / to a great many - many


In historical linguistics, called cognates or doublets to those terms with the same etymological origin, but with different phonetic evolution. The word derives from the Latin cognatus, from co-(with) and-Gnatus, natus, past participle of the Latin verb NASCI "born". Its literal translation would be consanguineous, with a common ancestor, or related by nature, feature or function análoga.1

For example, encyclopaedia (from the English translation) is a cognate of encyclopaedia (in Castilian). Sometimes can be written long series of cognate terms within the same family of languages​​. For example between Indo-European languages ​​have two sets of cognates

Car = carro
Intensive = intensivo
Cup = Copa
Hospital,=a Hospital
Doctor= Doctor
Amnesia= Amnesia


A false cognate is a word that, due to fortuitous similarities in appearance and meaning, seems to keep relationship with another word in a different language, but they really do not share the same etymological origin (not true cognates)

The typical example is that of the English verb to have ('have', 'have') and the Spanish verb like be, which, despite its seemingly obvious similarities, actually come from very different roots protoindoeuropeas: English To Have comes from * kap-('grab'), and in fact is related to our word capture, although not enough, while our belt comes from the root * ghabh protoindoeuropea ('give'), and although neither seems, is related to English to give ('give').

Normally, cognates and false friends are exceptionally may be false cognates.

  Parents = Padres (Se confunde con parientes)
Dairy = Lácteo (Se confunde con diario)
Relative = Pariente (Se confunde con relativo)
Cop = Policía (Se confunde con copa)
Character, en español significa ''personaje'', NO SIGNIFICA ''carácter''
Arena, en español significa ''estadio'', NO SIGNIFICA ''arena''
Brave, en español significa ''valiente'', NO SIGNIFICA ''bravo''
Exit, en español significa ''salida'', NO SIGNIFICA ''éxito''
Dinner, en español significa ''cena'', NO SIGNIFICA ''dinero'' 


ALESSANDRO NESTA ( * Milan , Province of Milan, Italy, June 26, 1968 ) is a former Italian footballer who played as a left , and sometimes central defender for AC Milan in Serie A of Italy. Son of former player and Italy coach ALESSANDRO NESTA spent his entire career at AC Milan , becoming the most capped player wore the jersey Rossoneri and the most games played in the Italian Serie .

ALESSANDRO NESTA has extensive experience and an extensive record , won seven scudetti Milan , an Italian Cup Italian Super Cups and five national and five European Cups , five European Super Cups , two Intercontinental Cups and World Clubs worldwide. With the national team played a total of 126 games - 74 of them came out with the captain's armband - and was part of the joint World Cups played Italy 1990 -third- , United States 1994 - runner - , France 1998 - eliminated in the quarter -finals - and Korea - Japan 2002 - second round , in addition to playing several times the European Championship with the Azzurri . He played his last match against Fiorentina at the Artemio Franchi Stadium in June 2009 .


Billy y Nick son unos vendedores cuyas carreras han venido a menos con el advenimiento del mundo digital. En un intento por probar que no son obsoletos, desafían las probabilidades cuando apelan a sus habilidades verbales para obtener una codiciada pasantía en Google, al lado de un brillante batallón de estudiantes universitarios.
Pero, ser aceptados a esta utopía, es solo la mitad de la batalla. Ahora, deberán competir contra un selecto grupo de genios expertos en tecnología del país para demostrar que la necesidad es la madre de la reinvención.
Los dos amigos han pasado sus vidas perfeccionando el arte de cerrar tratos, solo para saberse despedidos. Productos de una generación que creía que si trabajabas duro y seguías las reglas era más que suficiente para que se cumpliera la promesa del Sueño Americano. Billy y Nick ya pasaron su fecha de caducidad. O, al menos, así parece.
Desanimados, pero no derrotados, descubren que en esta nueva época el secreto para conseguir el éxito estriba en la búsqueda. Un buscador, para ser exactos, llamado Google —un lugar donde los sueños se convierten en realidad.

Para obtener acceso a este mundo, Billy y Nick apelan a su superioridad en el arte de vender para reinventarse como pasantes (o, como se dice en habla Google, Noogleros). Rodeados por genios con la mitad de su edad, estos dos maestros de la persuasión deberán encontrar una manera de zanjar la división generacional o arriesgarse a perder la oportunidad de ir de Nooglero a Googlero (un empleado de tiempo completo en Google). Billy, Nick, y sus jóvenes compañeros de equipo descubren que la victoria se encuentra en la lección de vida; en algunas ocasiones ganar no se trata de llegar primero, y de que siempre han tenido Googlura —el deseo de seguir buscando.